Friday, June 14, 2019

My future job

Image result for food engineeringChoosing your work or what you are going to study is very difficult because is something that you are going to be relationated all your life, in my case it was difficult to choose what career i wanted, the only thing that i had clear was that i wanted something relationated to chemistry.
Image result for food engineeringI don't mind to work indoors or outdoors but if i had to choose a context of work maybe i would choose indoors in an industry as a food engineer but i would never want a work from home or in front of a computer just because i found it more interesting going out but the sad thing about that is that if i'm working in a place that is far i would have to deal with the traffic that is everywhere but that is part of it, maybe it would be better to find a job but near your house haha, i personally would get so bored in a job from home or in a computer because I also want to meet new people, i think that meeting new people is very important in life. I don't really know if in what i want to work there is a chance to traveling but if there is it i would take it.
About the salary I would want to have enough money for living and traveling because that is something that i really want to do in life, but for doing that have to pass a lot of years.


  1. I think the same...working from home should be a torture, I prefer to interact with people jejeje

  2. Hope that when I get a work I like it


English lenguage

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