Friday, June 7, 2019

My favourite pet

I have had differents animals and sadly i'm alergic to cats and hedgehog.
My favourite pet is my dog her name is Nala it was named by my dad like the one in the movie "lion king" i have her since 2009 i was eight years old when we adopted her, she was a little puppy. it's a shnauzer and for me is funny her beard and eyebrows.
I love her because i think she is different from other dogs, she is very peaceful and eats a lot, loves to dig on the sand of the beach and hug teddies.
She is getting old and sadly a months ago she couldn't walk i cried a lot that day and we take her to the vet and the exams were expesive and we couldn't pay for that until one day a veterinarian gave us another solution that was based on gave her pills to estimulate her brain and that turned out well she started to walk again and now she can also run but she can't jump anymore i'm happy with her and will always be thankful to the veterinarian that helped her.


  1. OMG, your story is very sad :( but he is fine now, nothing else matters :D

  2. It's so sad having your pet sick :c I know what it feels, I really hope she's fine from now on <3

  3. aw she is so cute it must be painful saw her in that way, i hope she remains healthy!

  4. Aww looks very cute hugging her stuffed animal! It's good that she's better in health.

  5. your dog hug teddies as i hug pillows


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