Friday, June 28, 2019

The heart

An organ of the human body that amazes me is the heart because it beats so fast and delivers blood through all the body.
Image result for where is the heart located

The role of the heart is to circulate blood through two pathways: the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit.
In the pulmonary circuit, deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle of the heart (the image helps to understand better the parts of it) via the pulmonary artery and travels to the lungs, then returns as oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart via the pulmonary vein.
Image result for human heartIn the systemic circuit, oxygenated blood leaves the body via the left ventricle to the aorta, and from there enters the arteries and capillaries where it supplies the body's tissues with oxygen. Deoxygenated blood returns via veins to the venae cavae, re-entering the heart's right atrium
Image result for location of the heartIt is located underneath the sternum or chest bone, and sits a little to the left. The heart is located between the lungs and lies in front of the backbone. 

the size of it is pretty close of a fist.

Now i'm going to talk about a few illnes that can alter the good function of this organ: Coronary artery disease (narrowing of the arteries), Heart attack, Abnormal heart rhythms or arrhythmias, Heart failure, Heart valve disease, Congenital heart disease, Heart muscle diseasePericardial disease, Aorta disease, Marfan syndrome and Vascular disease.

To keep healthy the heart is recommended to eat healthy, get active, stay at a healthy weight, quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke, control your cholesterol and blood pressure and drink alcohol only in moderation.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Post graduate studies

Image result for ingenieria en alimentos
I think it is hard to think about what postgraduate studies I would like to take because I'm just starting my studies on the university and that was difficult to choose too but finally I really want to finish and get a professional degree as a Food Engineer and it is a career aimed at students motivated by the processes of the food industry. The management of quality control, the nutritive value of food, modern conservation techniques, storage and transportation of food products, are some of the fundamental aspects of this race this professional degree is about 6 years long.

Image result for ciencia de alimentosIf I finish the professional degree I would like to take a master of the science of food this is 3 years long program and the main objective of it is to provide an advanced level training in the field of Food Science, which enables them to occupy leading roles in the scientific and technological development of the various activities related to food production., in the same way that they can be integrated into institutions of higher education, planning and research in the food sector. This program is of a mixed nature, both academic and professional, and I don't know if I would like to take another postgraduate, so that is what catches my attention for now because I'm just starting to study a professional degree and there are so many years that have to pass to finish it.

Friday, June 14, 2019

My future job

Image result for food engineeringChoosing your work or what you are going to study is very difficult because is something that you are going to be relationated all your life, in my case it was difficult to choose what career i wanted, the only thing that i had clear was that i wanted something relationated to chemistry.
Image result for food engineeringI don't mind to work indoors or outdoors but if i had to choose a context of work maybe i would choose indoors in an industry as a food engineer but i would never want a work from home or in front of a computer just because i found it more interesting going out but the sad thing about that is that if i'm working in a place that is far i would have to deal with the traffic that is everywhere but that is part of it, maybe it would be better to find a job but near your house haha, i personally would get so bored in a job from home or in a computer because I also want to meet new people, i think that meeting new people is very important in life. I don't really know if in what i want to work there is a chance to traveling but if there is it i would take it.
About the salary I would want to have enough money for living and traveling because that is something that i really want to do in life, but for doing that have to pass a lot of years.

Friday, June 7, 2019

My favourite pet

I have had differents animals and sadly i'm alergic to cats and hedgehog.
My favourite pet is my dog her name is Nala it was named by my dad like the one in the movie "lion king" i have her since 2009 i was eight years old when we adopted her, she was a little puppy. it's a shnauzer and for me is funny her beard and eyebrows.
I love her because i think she is different from other dogs, she is very peaceful and eats a lot, loves to dig on the sand of the beach and hug teddies.
She is getting old and sadly a months ago she couldn't walk i cried a lot that day and we take her to the vet and the exams were expesive and we couldn't pay for that until one day a veterinarian gave us another solution that was based on gave her pills to estimulate her brain and that turned out well she started to walk again and now she can also run but she can't jump anymore i'm happy with her and will always be thankful to the veterinarian that helped her.

English lenguage

My experience learning English at the university is very interesting because i think it’s very different from the type of classes that I...