Friday, July 26, 2019

English lenguage

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My experience learning English at the university is very interesting because i think it’s very different from the type of classes that I had in school, it’s more relax and very fun and the use of blogs is something very new for me, I had never done one before this class, and we have the opportunity to know our classmates because almost every class we do activities in pairs and on the blogs we get to know them a lot  more because of what they write.

An aspect of my English that I think I need it to be improved is the speaking because I’m not really used to talk with people in that language, and I’m pretty shy so for me it’s very rare to talk seriously in another language, and in the classes that we have to speak in English with our classmates it’s very useful, the first time was a lot more difficult than how it is now, and for writing it’s not perfect but the blogs is enough help to improve that aspect and get used to express easily our thoughts.

Resultado de imagen para english language
I use English or I’m related to it just because of watching movies, series, instagram and of course on Youtube because the most of videos that I like are in that language and that helps a lot to learn and get used to how native people from countries that their language is English talk , and sometimes I speak in English with my sister and for singing some songs, so for me it’s easier listening to Egnglish.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Changes I would do to my study programme

Image result for caricatura enseñar
If I would do some changes to my career or the infrastructure of the university.. let’s start with the subjects to study.. I wouldn’t change them because i think that they are good for now but maybe I would change my opinion but something that I would definitely change is some of the teaching methods, I personally don’t like that our teachers got switched and for me is difficult to get used to a completely different person I know that they want us to learn from different ways but it isn’t the correct way to do it because is in the middle of the semester and for us that is our first year in the university and it is just too much to get used to.

Image result for caricatura estudioAbout the infrastructure I think that needs more places to study because the library is way too small and sometimes with my friends we have to study in places that are very uncomfortable and full of people or maybe would be enough to buy more chairs because sometimes you can find a table but without chairs. Private rooms to study are the best because you can concentrate better with a board to use, also there aren’t spaces to rest there is a couch but is very uncomfortable it doesn’t even look like a couch anymore..

The use of the technology I think it is great because the teachers use the projector for almost every subject and I don’t know what other technology items would they use for teaching and in the building there are enough computers for all the students and it’s very good because it complements the knowledge of the students.

Friday, July 5, 2019

My opinion

I'm going to give my opinion of some controversial topics:

Buying instead of adopting pets
Image result for adopting petsBuying pets is something very unnecessary because there are many of them living in the streets and they are suffering, they need treatments and food so is important to make the people awareness of this situation and so we can reduce this and get them free of the danger, of course there would always be people that prefers to buy a pet just for the aesthetic but is important to create awareness about this.

Climate change
Image result for climate changeThis is something very complicated and most people know it but I think this is something very difficult to change we can control it but not stop it, of course there has to be a change and cleaning all the green areas and the ocean have are ally important role because there is a lot of trash that cause damage in the ecosystem. Industries are also part of these problems by burning fossil fuels and taking full advantage of natural resources, those activities are changing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, emitting more gases and greenhouse compounds that can remain in the atmosphere.

Image result for recyclingRecycling
Recycling is an act of utmost importance for society, since it involves the reuse of elements and objects of different types that would be discard and contributing to the formation of more trash and damaging the planet so what recycling do is to stop those bad thing and instead of it contributes to the industries and also reducing the climate change.

Image result for Immigration
My opinion about Immigration is that nobody should be judged from where you are from because people are leaving their countries and that is very hard for them because they are leaving their family, friends and almost everything they had by getting a better life and searching for new opportunities.  

English lenguage

My experience learning English at the university is very interesting because i think it’s very different from the type of classes that I...